Minds Awake
Are you ready to wake up?
Do you have a sense of knowing that you are full of potential and yet something holds you back?
Do you say to yourself if only people could experience the real me?
If only I could follow my dreams?
Are you constantly listening to negative self talk telling you how to show up in the world?
Trying hard to please others?

Session outline
Waking up to all that's possible
Begin your journey by waking up to all that is possible in your life.
In this session, we look at how your thinking affects your state of mind and can create anxiety, self-doubt and judgement in your life.
When you become aware of your thinking, then you have a choice to think and behave differently.
Are you a worst-case scenario thinker, or a best-case thinker? Is your self-esteem conditional on how others value you? Do you count your successes and achievements or are you thinking that you could have done more?
This session is about becoming aware of how you do you - what you pay attention to in life - and how you can become free of your own self-imposed limitations.
Motivating yourself towards your highest potential
Session 2 is about motivating yourself towards your highest potentials.
In this session, we will look at where you are now, and where you want to be. You will discover a proven method for setting goals and ensuring that they are well-formed for success. We understand that the meaning we make in our lives is what drives our performance. If we hold no meaning or if a goal is not valuable to us, then how can we expect to motivate ourselves to perform? What meanings do you hold around your goals? Are you ready to uncover the meanings you make and to learn how you can motivate yourself towards your highest potentials? Yes? Then join us for this self-motivation masterclass.
Getting yourself out of the way
Session 3 is about getting yourself out of your own way.In this session, you will learn about your state of mind and how you create layers of thinking about your state of mind, called Meta- States.
Our states of mind affect how you show up in the world and how you connect with others in your personal and professional relationships. Bringing awareness to your state of mind is the first step of self- management. I believe that every human being has the resources they need to overcome almost any challenge in life, the problem is not that we don't have what we need, it's that sometimes we don't know how to access it.
Develop healthy relationships
Session 4 is about developing healthy relationships and improving communication. In this session, you will discover how you connect, relate and communicate with yourself, and with others.
The tools learned in this masterclass can be applied in your personal and professional relationship. You will learn the basics of effective communication and learn tips on how to listen with your ears and eyes. Would you like to know how to truly listen and support people in your life, in a way that makes sense to them?
This session is about bringing the skills you've learned to your relationships so you can have richer, more fulfilling relationships - without the communication struggle.