Hello and thank you for connecting with me

It is often my experience that when people connect with me with regard to coaching or mentoring they are experiencing a sense of knowing what is in the way without a sense of what needs to be done for them to step into their own power. My job is not to provide the answers for them but to facilitate them on their own path of self discovery. I believe that every person has something in their hearts that is meaningful. Human beings are simply meant to be who they are, to serve life faithfully from a place of honouring the truth of their nature, of what they genuinely feel passionate about.
My approach to coaching is to hold another human being in unconditional positive regard. There is nothing to fix, people are not broken. My job is to support and enhance an individual’s ability to become free. To enable life to naturally support their own growth according to their own genuine nature.
As a certified Developmental Coach and Neuro Semantics Trainer, my role is to lead a supportive space for my clients where I encourage personal motivation, self-awareness and an understanding of where they are now and where they want to be.
NLP Master Practitioner
NLP Trainer
Associate Certified Meta Coach
Integral Semantic Facilitator
Meta Coach trainer
Neuro Semantics Trainer